SPECTROCUBE Blast Furnace Slags

Application Brief

Analysis of Blast Furnace Slags

Blast furnace slags result during the production of pig iron in blast furnaces. According to the present state of the art, approx. 250 kg of blast-furnace slag results per ton of pig iron.

Analysis as close to the production site as possible is used for both quality control of the process and for evaluating the usability of the slag as a material for recycling.

Traditionally, samples are milled after crushing and either prepared as pressed pellets or as Lithiumborate fused beads and then analyzed with XRF. Wavelength-dispersive XRF spectrometers have pre-dominantly been used for this application.

Today, this analysis can also be performed, close to the production site, with the compact, energy-dispersive X-Ray fluorescence spectrometer SPECTROCUBE.