Used Automobile Catalysts

Application Brief

Elemental Analysis of Pd, Pt, and Rh Content in Used Automobile Catalysts by ICP-OES With Dual Side-On Plasma Observation

Platinum-group metals (PGMs), and among these especially the palladium-group platinum-group elements (PPGEs) Pd, Pt and Rh, are known for their catalytic properties which are utilized in many chemical production processes. The main use for PGMs, however, comes from the production of catalytic converters for the automotive industry.

The primary source of PGMs is mining, with an annual yield of around 450 tons of these rare metals. As a result of this low amount and the high cost of production, PGMs are very expensive. When used as a catalyst, however, these metals are not consumed. Thus, recycling of catalysts – especially used automobile catalysts – has become an important secondary source of PGMs while additionally helping to reduce the environmental impact of PGM production.

The SPECTROGREEN with dual side-on plasma observation offers a simple, fast, accurate, precise and cost-efficient method for the analysis of Pd, Pt, and Rh content in used automobile catalysts. This report describes the principal methodology and presents typical detection limits and accuracy for these elements.

Learn more in this informative application report.